Reader Interactions


  1. Fiona / STICKY SITUATION says

    First of all, what a well written and researched post! I just love the way you write.

    Such an interesting concept you put out there – “why is money such a significant love language? Is it perhaps more of a natural way to express love than say emotional or practical?”

    I’ve never thought about money / spending it on your partner as a separate love language. It made me think about the ways I show love – and money does (indirectly) affect those gestures now that I think about it. But as a sentimental person, it’s simply a necessary means to express love – never the centre of attention. I think this is more of a general issue leading back to how our society (the world, really) is built. Everything costs money, everything is built on worth. Some things cost more than others, but even a romantic picnic in the park is going to cost you a little. Personally, I think money should never be the main gesture when it comes to romantic gestures – it’s the thought behind it that is worth more than anything you could buy.

    • LauraJ says

      Thank you, Fiona!! It’s so nice to see you back on here.

      Everything really does cost money! A few weeks back, I decided to spend a Saturday walking around a park with my boyfriend (assuming this would be a cheap day out). We couldn’t believe how much parking came to in addition to petrol and then basics like a bottle of water.

      It can be really nice to spoil someone with money, but I agree that it shouldn’t be the main gesture. You always want to feel as though the thought has taken precedence. x

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