Reader Interactions


  1. intrepid8 says

    Nice job Lauzie. Your website is very organized and professional.

    Its very noble of you to use your platform to give someone else a voice.

    Good job.

  2. neetafitness says

    Love this! I’ve not been to Portugal – yet – however, when the weather gets warmer, I still have a good appetite and love to go for healthy smoothies (adding more vegetables in there). Keeps me hydrated! – although I also love the odd ice-cream x

    • lauzieslifestyle says

      I went when I was about 5 years old and I still remember it really well. I can’t remember where I stayed though.
      How many smoothies do you drink a tend? I never know if 1 is enough or is 2 pushing it? I try to balance an even amount of fruit and veg. x

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